
Thank for you loading this page. Clearly, if you’re here you are interested in supporting the Return to Player website in some form and we have made it super easy for you to do so.


Simply put, doing what we do costs money and costs time, which for some people is the same thing. A lot of the team have families and speaking from experience getting in from our regular day jobs and spending nights writing articles or editing reviews takes its toll. Especially when there is an opportunity cost of spending that time with a young family. But at the moment such dedication is necessary because we want to have a decent content schedule and we need to keep things lean as frankly, this doesn’t generate much revenue. And the little revenue it does generate soon disappears on servers, CDNs, web development, SEO, creative development etc… before it even arrives in the bank account.


If you love our site (or even just like our site), and want us to keep doing what we’re doing then we appeal to you to support us. Perhaps you’re a slot developer or game supplier and you’ve read a really good review of your game on our site? If so then please contribute as the exposure you’ve gained alone is worth more than the top level of contribution.


We also strongly suggest checking out our Patreon page as we have included a load of information in there and when you support us through Patreon you get some rewards!


Other Ways to support us == Buy us a beer (pref I.P.A.) 🙂

The new kid on the block and part of the crowd funding generation. Loads of information about us and you get some rewards and stuff…
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